Teen Friendly Classes
At Kline Academy, we have many options from on-site classes, live Zoom classes, to workshops with visiting artists and even pre-taped courses.
If you need guidance, give us a call (310) 927-2436 or contact.

Pre-teen / Teen
Drawing & Painting
Build a powerful portfolio with the guide of a professional artist! Master the basics of sketching and painting from life with a Master Artist. Students will learn to use charcoal and oil paints as they develop their portfolio, with creative freedom to choose their subject matter. Open to all Pre-Teens and Teens (8-17).
with instructor:
Juri Umagami
Tues. 4pm - 6pm
Course fee ranges from:
(based on selection)
$65 - $1140

Introduction to Oil Painting
Learn the basics of oil painting through step by step projects. We use non-toxic materials, help you to develop your painting skills in color, light and form that will leave you ready to paint your own masterpiece. All ages & levels welcome.
with instructor:
Juri Umagami
Sat. 2pm - 5pm
Course fee ranges from:
(based on selection)
$90 - $1500

In-studio Landscape Painting
Master the skills needed to transport the beauty of nature into an original landscape painting with an award winning artist. Create atmosphere in your work specific to landscape painting that brings it to life!
Open to all levels.
with instructor:
Sharon Weaver
Wed. 10am - 1pm
Course fee ranges from:
(based on selection)
$90 - $1500

Beginning Drawing Foundations
It all starts and ends with drawing, the foundation every artist needs. If you struggle with form, core shadows and composition- then begin the class with tailored instruction on perfecting your drawing skills.
Open to all levels.
with instructor:
Juri Umagami
Sat. 10am - 1pm
Course fee ranges from:
(based on selection)
$90 - $1500